Commitment to Integrity

The ethical standards that govern how Gilead conducts business reflect the company's commitment to integrity and excellence. The following documents outline the guiding principles and the internal structures we have in place to monitor them.

employee working

Board Guidelines

Gilead's Board of Directors has adopted the corporate governance principles outlined in this document to promote the functioning of the Board and its Committees, to promote the interests of stockholders and to set forth a common set of expectations as to how the Board, its various Committees and individual directors should perform their functions.

focused on two peoples' hands pointing at a document on a table

Audit Committee Charter

This charter outlines the roles and responsibilities of the Audit Committee of Gilead's Board of Directors. The Committee assists the Board in overseeing the quality and integrity of the corporate accounting and financial reporting practices of Gilead and the related systems of internal controls. The Committee's role includes oversight of Gilead's auditors and its business ethics standards and compliance. The Committee's role also includes a particular focus on the qualitative aspects of financial reporting to stockholders and on Gilead's processes to assure compliance with significant applicable legal, ethical and regulatory requirements.

Natasha Crellin-Juli

Compensation and Talent Committee Charter

This charter outlines the roles and responsibilities of the Compensation and Talent Committee of Gilead's Board of Directors. The Committee reviews and evaluates the performance of Gilead's executive officers and approves the type and level of their compensation, oversees talent management and succession planning with respect to Gilead’s executive officers and oversees Gilead’s compensation plans and programs.

Bismay Mishra

Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee Charter

This charter outlines the roles and responsibilities of the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee of Gilead's Board of Directors.


Science Committee Charter

This charter outlines the roles and responsibilities of the Science Committee of Gilead's Board of Directors.

a person is looking at a graph through a laptop

Stockholders Communications With The Board

Stockholders may express their views by sending communications to Gilead's Board of Directors as described in our Stockholders Communications with the Board policy.

patricia quinones

Lead Independent Director Charter

Gilead's Board of Directors has adopted a Lead Independent Director Charter which clearly delineates the comprehensive duties of our Lead Independent Director. Gilead believes that its current Board leadership structure provides effective oversight of management and strong leadership of the independent directors.


Code of Ethics

Our Employees

The Gilead Code of Ethics requires employees' compliance with all laws and mandates fair dealing in all instances. Violations of our Code of Ethics by employees are not tolerated and can lead to disciplinary action, including termination of employment and referral for criminal prosecution. As part of our commitment to ensure our products are free from violations of all types of ethical standards, we plan to update our Code of Ethics and employee training materials to include provisions specifically targeted to address human slavery and trafficking.

Countries of Origin

We routinely evaluate and address the risk of ethical violations for all countries involved in our supply chain. We do not routinely engage a third party to conduct this evaluation. Rather, we rely on official government information to identify risks and act accordingly. Our product ingredients are sourced primarily from countries the United States Department of State has designated as being compliant with the Trafficking Victims Protection Act's (TVPA) minimum standards. We take extra precautions before sourcing product from countries that are still making efforts to bring themselves into full compliance with the TVPA. For example, in those countries, we source only from businesses that are affiliated with countries fully compliant with TVPA, visit our suppliers along with their intermediates and vendors in person and only select suppliers that have been in business long enough to verify that their conduct meets Gilead's ethical standards.

a woman putting her hand out in front of her face

Anti-Corruption and Bribery Policy

At Gilead, we are committed to the highest standards of ethics and integrity in all our activities. Our Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy sets forth Gilead’s commitment to ensure that Gilead, its affiliates and others acting on Gilead’s behalf abide by all international and local Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Laws in countries in which Gilead conducts business.